Friday 8 February 2013

Audience Feedback

Why is Audience feedback essential

It is very important to carry out audeince feedback as it is neceesary to know what the target audience thinks of the product produced. The audience is the one that brings in the revenue and makes the work produced credible. So it is essential to make the product exactly to what the customer wants. The feedback allows a filmaker to make the necessary changes.

The feedback tells the filmaker evrything that is good about the film and everything that has been appreciated and liked by the viewers. At the same time the feedback tells the viewer things that didnt go so well and that can be improved. This feedback can be used to make the necessary changes and make the film better that would be liked by everyone.

Screening the film

We screened the film in school after school. We selected 10 people from each year randomly. This selection method allowed us to have different types of people to give us feedback. In this ay the feedback would't be biaest. Me and my group members gave the viewers a paper and and pen. We asked them to write one positive and one negative feedback. This feedback then helped us to see what one thing about are film was good and one thing that can be made better.

Uploading on Youtube

In addition to the screening i also uploaded my thriller film online. We uploaded the films on youtube as  we wanted more feedback. By uploading the film on youtube we got instant feedback. This feedback was given by people from different parts of the world. We recieved mixed comments and opinions of people from different parts of the world.

What feedback did you recieve ?

We recieved one negative comment and one posuitive comment from everyone that came to the screening of the film. One of the choosen comment both negative and positive feedback have been written below:

1)  interesting, realistic narrative, which was easy to follow. The first part of the narrative draws the audience in and makes them want to continue to watch  Kira Reynolds
2 ) The sound went very well with the narrative of the film and the actors were very convincing and engaging  Reggie Clark

Bad comments :
1) Use a wider variety of camera angles Jade Warden
2) More variety in the sound that is used  Eren Sadik


The feddback given by the viewers was very constructive. As a group we went through all the comments that we recieved by the viewers. All the comments were helpful. Some of the weaknesses of our thriller film includes using more range of camera angles. We used very limited angles ; by using range of angles it can be interesting. We also used one type of sound throughout the film. Many people suggested to use various types of sound to build the auidiences interest.