Sunday 30 September 2012



Sound is a very important factor of a thriller film.It has a huge impact on the scenes of the film. It helps the audience understand the mood of he scene , and what this mood is trying to portray. It engages the audience with the scene and helps the audience to understand what the atmosphere of the scene is and how should the audience feel about it.For instance if there is a happy mood like a friends chatting the music would be slow and happy whereas if something bad happens to the protagonist then the music would be loud and miserable.

Peer Analysis

Diegetic Sound 

The scene begins with Katie (mum) AND Max (daughter) entering a room. Max is wearing a hearing aid which she takes off as soon as she enters. This gives audience an idea that she is unable to hear.We can hear sounds from her hearing aid as she enters the room. The audience knows that the sounds are coming from the hearing aid because as soon as she takes it off the sounds stop. The audience assume that the sounds are coming from outside maybe a TV or something.
As audience we assume that but not really sure about what exactly is going on.
This is conventional to a thriller genre because it keeps the audience guessing on what and where the sounds are coming from.This is a common convention of a thriller genre , leaving the audience guessing. This makes the audience get involved in the film and makes us think about the possible places the sounds can be coming from. This convention also make the audience continue watching to find out where the sound was coming from. It leaves the audience in a mystery and they continue to watch to find out what the mystery is.

Non-diegetic sound / Parallel sound

In this part of the scene the audience see Katie and Max in her bedroom. Max wants to read a book. Katie reads the book to Max with sigh language as we know that Max cannot hear properly. It is a very heart warming moment in the scene with a mum and daughter bonding over a book.It automatically gives an audience an idea that this part in the film is going to be a very happy and relaxing part of the scene.

In the background the audience can hear slow and blissful music. This music is played throughout the scene. This type of sound is called non-diegetic sound as well as parallel sound. It is parallel sound because the images that are made in the scene are happy images that clearly go with the music played at the back. This non-diegetic sound as well because the characters in the scene cannot hear the sounds but as the audience can. Non-diegetic and parallel are similar in a way and that is why this part of the scene is both parallel and non-diegetic.

The music allows the audience to feel what the characters in the scene are feeling. They are feeling happy as it allows the audience to feel the joyful emotion for the character it also creates empathy for the character. It involves the audience in the scene and makes the audience want to feel like the characters. It makes the audience emotional. It makes the audience want to continue watching the movie to learn more about the characters.

This is conventional to a thriller film because the audience can see two good people having a happy moment together. But the audience fears for the characters because the audience gets a feeling that the happy atmosphere is not going to last long.It also allows the audience to feel happy for the characters at present moment but worry for the characters as well. This type of feeling is common of  a thriller film as fearful , sympathy , mixed emotions are all ingredients of a thriller film


From my analysis on sound i have learned the importance of sound for a thriller film and what impact it has on the audience.Also how sound helps the audience about what clearly is going on . It also allows the audience learn more about the characters in the film. Every scene has its on type of mood and sound helps the audience to bring out that mood and change the audiences mood as well. I do understand how diffrent types of sound techniques does in a film and this will now help choose the types of sound i will use in my thriller opening. Sounds are important for thrillers as it adds effect and meaning to  a scene. 


  1. Your post on sound shows a good understanding of how thrillers films use this technique.

    You have made the correct points and you have used the PEER format well. To make this post more detailed you need to aim to relate to the codes and conventions of a thriller film

  2. You have considered my comments and this post now demonstrates a good and clear understanding of how sound is used.
