Monday 12 November 2012

individual storyboard

Individual Storyboard

This is an example of my idea of the thriller opening. Me and my group members had to come up with our own idea of what our thriller opening would include. We all came up with our individual ideas. Me and my group members took different ideas from each of our individual storyboard and turned into one final group storyboard. Making a storyboard is an important part of filming any genre film wether it is thriller , romance or action. The storyboard allows a any filmmaker to plan out as to what might each shot in their film include. They need to consider the camera shot type , location , iconography used , lightening , actors available on screen , types of sound used , editing techniques that are going to be used and what will actually go on in the scene. Me and my group members came up with our individual ideas for our thriller opening. Me and my group members shared this information between us. We took brief information for every shot from the group members individual storyboards. We had a group discussion ; where we put different ideas together and came up with our thriller openings group storyboard.


  1. Why is a storyboard important to include?
    How will you share this information with your group?

  2. You have made a start in describing why you carried out an individual storyboard and you have also started to consider some of the points that you discussed, but further examples are needed to show further understanding.
