Thursday 22 November 2012

Opening Credits

 The purpose of film credits

The opening credits is at the beginning of the film this introduces the important roles in that film. In some cases it underlines the famous actors or actresses within the film. The opening credits can be presented in number of ways. Usually there is a background to the credits and a soundtrack. this is usually the opening scene or a part of the film. The opening scene sets the foundation of the film it hints what may the film be about. Having the credits at the beginning of the film is a traditional way but some of the films have changed that to the end of the film. One example of this type of film is ''around the world in 80 days 1956 ''.

Order of the opening credits :

  • Name of the studio
  • Name of the production company
  • Producer name
  • Director name ''A film by ... ''
  • starring ''main actors and actresses ''
  • The name of the film

Seven opening credits

  1. color : The use of color is important in a film. This opening credit has used black and white. This use of black and white has given it a scary look and make it look full of suspense. The black and white use of color makes the opening sequence have a scary mood. Shadows are created as-well this makes the audience think of what maybe the shadow is coming from. This creates enigma which is a common aspect of a thriller film.
  2. style of the credits : The font used is in white color to make it stand out from the dark background. The font seems like it is carved this can be compared to n intimidating look. It looks spooky this complements  the genre of the film. The style of the credits are very conventional and the color scheme of the font and the style is conventional.
  3. conventions of thriller  : The sounds used are full of suspense and go with the genre of the film. The sounds are alarming. Disturbing images are created that are common to a thriller film. We can only see the persons hands and shadows . His identity has been hidden. Hidden identity is a common convention of  a thriller. There is a use of range of iconography used like pins , needles , and blades. These are common conventions of a thriller. This builds up tensions and hints what might the film be about. 
  4. order of appearance :  Following is the order that it came in :
  • production company name
  • A film by David Fincher
  • Brad Pitt
  • Morgan Freeman
  • Name of the film ''Se7en''
  • Gwyenth Paltrow
  • Directed by David Fincher
The production company has been stated at the beginning. David Fincher has been shown many times as he is famous for creating suspense and shock in his films. We can see the names of the actors as they are top Actors ( brad pitt and Morgan Freeman ). The name of the film is written in the middle of the opening sequence. The name flickers which creates suspense. David Fincher is said at the end as well for emphasis as he is one of the top thriller filmmaker.

Sixth Sense opening Credits

  1. color : The background is plain black and the credits are white. The white is used to make the credits stand out. There is a contrast of black and white to give it a suspenseful look. 
  2. Style of credits : The font style is plain and simple. The credits come and go. This creates suspense. The credits come in and fade out. The credits come and go quickly. This creates mystery through the credits.
  3. conventions of a thriller : The comparison of black and white is conventional to a thriller film as black and white creates suspense. The music is loud it startles the audience. These create shock and suspense and are the common conventions of thriller films.
  1. order of appearance : Following is the other it comes in :
  • production company
  • producers
  • actor
  • title name
  • casting by
  • Editor
  • Director
Group Discussion

As a group we looked at different types of thriller opening sequences. this helped us to gather ideas for our thriller opening. The film se7en opening sequence was very conventional to the thriller genre. The use of font, style , images and sound all went perfectly to gather and created the elements of shock and suspense. This film sequence has inspired us for our thriller film. The font style in the opening sequence is conventional to a thriller and we will be using something similar to the font. The sound effects used created suspense an a thrill. The sounds startled the audience. We will be using sounds similar to startle the audience.

Our thriller film

Me and my group members decided on the following :

  • The size : Small and subtle
  • The color : Grey with glow around the edges. The glow will create effect. This will be conventional to the thriller genre.
  • The order in which they will appear : production name , directors , actors , editor and the title of the film
  • The style of font : Carved  on a tree  ( title ) Rest of the  credits will be bold and scribbly 

1 comment:

  1. This post shows some understanding of why credits are important to include. You have included one analysis of Se7en, but you also need to include your own analysis too.

    To make this post more detailed you need to consider the codes and conventions of a thriller in more detail, as this will support the points that you have half made in your summary
