Monday 12 November 2012

Representation of characters


Representation of characters is a major aspect of a thriller film. Creating good and convincing character types is a major convention of  a thriller film. This is because one if the very important convention of thrillers is the victim and the villain. These are the two character types that people look forward to watch in a thriller film. To convince the audience about a character it is important to represent a character by its appearance that the character looks how the film writer perceives it to be. The characters in a film represent true human nature . It shows the things that humans are capable of doing. The representation shows different emotions like anger , hate , jealousy , sadness , hypocrisy and vengeance. The audience should be able to identify common thriller conventions in a character by the way they look and act.
My thriller film will have two characters 'The Victim' and the 'The villain'.  The victim is the a young blonde girl and the villain is an old man whose identity would be hidden. these are all common conventions of a thriller. The characters are discussed below :

Character 1

Name : Rowan

Age : 15

Gender : Young female blonde girl in a white dress (denotes purity )

Race : White

Background : She belongs to a middle class family. She is innocent and vulnerable. She is down to earth. She is the only child and belongs to a family that  is caring and trustworthy.

Purpose to the narrative : She is the victim in the opening scene and is kidnapped by the man who takes her away. She is shown as a weak vulnerable 15 year old whose very innocent. She gets kidnapped by the villain. She fits in the right conventions of a thriller film the victim being weak , innocent and pure.

How will the character appeal to the audience : The young girls dressing. She would be wearing a white dress that makes her look inncoent and pure her expressions and reaction will also add to the affect. The audience would feel sympathy for her and her surroundings and how helpless she is.

Character 2

Name : Reggie

Age :  30

Gender : 30 year old male

Race : white

Background : He is a man who is obsessed with young blonde girls. He has committed crimes like that before , this is not his first time. He has been to the jail a couple of times. Belonged to a drug taking family. Was given by his parents at the age of 7. He did whatever he wants. never knew the rules of how to live in the society.

Purpose in the narrative : He is the villain and the protagonist in the opening sequence. He has obsession with young blonde girls. He kidnaps theme and tortures them and kills them. He is the main subject of the film.

How will the character appeal to an audience : He is an appealing character as his identity would be hidden in the film. this would make him look mysterious and the audience would want to watch more to find out what he is at the end. This is an enigma which will make the audience continue watching to find out his real identity.


  1. You have made a start in explaining the representation of your characters and how you will portray their image towards an audience.

    To develop this post you need to expand on the background information to show further evidence of planning. Also aim to include still images to support the points that you are making.

  2. This post now demonstrates a sound understanding of the characters that you wish to include within your production
