Friday 9 November 2012

''Planing the mies-en-scene''


Me an my group members had a discussion on the location of our thriller film. We all negotiated and came up with the location of our thriller film. Our chosen location is conventional to a thriller film. Our chosen location is an abandoned room and a forest. The mies-en-scene of a film tells an audience a lot about a film and what it might be about. The location of  a film adds affects and gives meaning to a film. For example if there  is a happy scene the location could be a garden in the open air , birds chirping. This builds a happy image. The 5 areas of mies-en-scene are setting + iconography , Costume, hair and makeup , facial expressions, body language and positioning of characters and objects.

Abandoned Room

Setting + iconography  

After having a discussion with my group members we decided to use an abandoned room to show the female character tied up in. An abandoned room is one of the conventions of a thriller film. It shows isolation. The female character is tied up and is hopeless and helpless. The room would be completely empty. It would only have a chair in the middle of the room and a lamp. The lamp would create the low key lighting adding effect to the room. The room would have broken windows and nothing else. And abandoned room is a quiet conventional location as it is  room that isn't been used. This creates a suspenseful ambience.

Costume + hair and makeup

The female character in the scene will be wearing a white dress that would be ripped and dirty. The dress would be white. this is another convention of  a thriller film. The female is the victim and is wearing white which connotes purity and innocence. This will make the audience have sympathy for the character. White denotes purity this is another convention for thrillers. As a victim in a thriller is shown pure and innocent.

Facial expressions and body language

The female character would be weeping. Another common thriller film convention. The female weak and crying because she feels helpless. the body language will add effect to the mies-en-scene as-well. She would be tied up and would try to escape but is helpless. This will allow the audience feel for the female character. The expression on the female characters would be full of worry this will create sympathy for the female character.

Positioning of the characters / objects

The chair that the female character will be sitting in the middle of the scene. This will allow the audience to clearly see how she feels. Her expressions would be clear as-well as her body language. This will add to the effect of sympathy. The lamp will be placed on the side which will create the scary feel in the room and create shadows.


Setting + iconography
After having the discussion with my group members we decided our second location for the other shots of our thriller film. A forest adds to the conventions of a thriller film. A forest has a scary feeling and adds fear.A forest during the night can be very petrifying. The forest is vacant which makes the forest a horrifying experience. This is very conventional and covers the common conventions of thriller films.

Costume + hair and makeup
The female character in this scene is wearing a white dress that is ripped and dirty. She will have are face and her hair would be down. She will have long curly hair. Her bare face would show how simple she is. This is a common convention of  a thriller film the victim being simple. She would also be wearing a white dress that shows her purity and innocence. Thriller convention of the victim  being angelic.

Facial Expressions and body language
The female victim would be running from the  Protagonist. She would be breathing heavily and crying at the sane time. She wants to give up. She feels hopeless as she is wanting to escape from reality. These are all common conventions of a thriller.

Positioning of the characters and objects
This shot will show everything going in the scene. This means the background as well as the characters. The character would be running. The audience could clearly see the expressions as well as the body language of the character. There is a use of iconography which includes ''a knife ''. The knife is a common convention of  a thriller


  1. This post on mise-en-scene shows some understanding of planning requirements and this is because you have considered all the areas.

    To develop this post you need to consider the conventions of a thriller in more detail and you also need to include still images to support the points that you are making.

    Are you including iconography?

  2. The images that you have included helps to support your points, but further description of the conventions is needed
