Thursday 8 November 2012

Production Roles


There are different things that are involved in a film production. Different people are hired that have different responsibilities. Every type of film genre wether it is action , adventure , comedy , sci-fi or thriller the same people are behind a production of a film. These group of people are called the film crew.The film crew consists of the following people :

  • Film director
  • Location Manager
  • Storyboard Organizer
  • Camera operators
  • Actors
  • Sound Technician
  • Editors

Film Director A film directors responsibilities is to direct everyone involved in a film. This means watching over the content of the plot , the performance of the actors which includes where they are positioned as-well as the emotions they need to show and handling the films entire artistic and dramatic factors. the film director visualizes the entire film. He hands out different responsibilities to other people that are present in a film crew. He is responsible of directing different steps involved in making a film. Also involved planing locations , shots , pacing , acting styles and anything else that adds effect and feel to a movie. the director os the boss of the film.

Location Manager : The location Manager is responsible of finding a suitable location for particular scenes in the film and making sure that the location is secure and available when needed to be used. they are also responsible for dealing with any type of issues that are aroused by the community because of the production of the film. Any types of issues that can effect the community because of the filming. they are involved with working with the production team. Location managers are also responsible for researching , identifying and organizing access to appropriate sites.

Storyboard organizer : The storyboard organizer is responsible for making the storyboard. Designing the each scene in the storyboard. Every shot needs to be put down on the storyboard. the storyboard allows one to understand the concept behind every scene and the film director maybe trying to achieve. The storyboard organizer states what are the things that are involved in every scene this means camera angle ,  actor , lightening , props and mies-en-scene.

Camera Operators : A camera operator is someone who is professionally trained to operate a film or video camera. The camera operator is responsible for physically dealing with the camera. The camera operators are responsible for the camera shots and camera angles that are involved in each scene. The camera operator will work with the director to decide what camera shot and angle will go with what shot. The director would assist. 

Actors : The actors are responsible to get the best out of a film script. They are responsible to listen to the director and follow his suggestions. They are responsible to give the right emotions and body language that is needed in every scene.

Sound Technician : The sound technician is involved in everything in a film that involves audio. Wether it is diegetic or non-diegetic sound. this means all the sound recordings needed on the location. the post production which involves balancing , mixing , editing and enhancing a pre-recorded audio. Adding and getting rid of any audio that isn't needed,

Editors : The editors are responsible for taking all the raw materials and turning into a finished product. They manipulate plot, score, sound, and graphics to refine the overall story into a continuous and enjoyable whole. They edit the raw materials using different softwares that are used for example final cut.

As a group we have decided on roles that would be best suited to our skills. We will work well, and help each other with our tasks so that everyone is doing well in what they are supposed to be doing.

Beckie will be location manager and be responsible for finding locations in which we can film well in. This will be an important role as it will effect our filming. Beckie is taking on this role because she can find good locations and is good at making a final decision.

Sumbal is the Director, this is because she is very organized and will be able to give out tasks well. This is a very important role as she will be able to decide what footage to use and put forward important ideas that will effect our work.

I am taking on the role as camera operator and set designer. This is for a number of reasons, as i have experience with handling cameras and have a good eye for design. I will be in charge of mise-en-scene and iconography. This is important as I will be responsible for everything within the shot to come together well and insure our group has the best footage in which we can all edit.

We will all take part in sound editing and story board organizing. This is so we can all put our ideas across and be completely happy with our final piece.


  1. You have made a start in explaning the different production roles of a film, but you need to essure that you reference your sources too.

    Now you need to explain what role you and your group will be taking on board and why?

  2. What is Drew's role within your production?
