Thursday 25 October 2012

vox pop

Vox Populi in Latin means ''voice of people''

Vox pop is when people interview different types op people for opinions. Me and my group members decided to carry this task out because we wanted to look at a variety of people's opinions. This task helped with the interviewing process as well as handling the equipment. This was another research method that we carried out. Different types of researching methods allow us to have range of different suggestions. These will go towards the making of my thriller film.

We used a HD camera. Me and my group members went  around school interviewing different people from different categories. I choose the job of videoing the interviews. While drew was interviewing everyone. Becky wrote the questions that we asked the people. Becky also assisted me in the videoing process.We in interviewed year 7 kids. This allowed us to listen to the views of kids and what they look for in thriller films. The categories of people i interviewed included year 7 kids , 6 formers , year 10's and teachers. These people fall in different age categories and thus helps me have a range of suggestions. We interviewed a science male teacher that we thought would have an interest in thriller films. He had a great interest and had a a lot of views. I gathered a lot of information by carrying the task.

How will this help me ?

This task has helped me understand the importance of research and using the useful information that one gets from research. I also learned what different people look forward in thriller films and what does these things denote. It also helped learn the significance of group work. I also learned how to handle a camera and the camera equipment.This task allows me and my group members to decide on our target audience. Target audience is another important part of production. The target audience allows me to choose what type of scenes are appropriate for what age i am aiming  my film at. The vox pop allowed me to get a range of feedback from all types of age and maturity. The year 7 kids look for more of basic stuff like suspense and shook as compared to the teacher i interviewed who looks for more than that. Me and my group members plan to use this feedback in every step in our production.

Below is the completed interviews

prem task

What was the purpose of the preliminary task ?

The purpose of this preliminary task was for me and my group members to experience using a camera and setting the different camera angles that we studied which will be used for our thriller opening. Me and my group members carried out different clips where we positioned the camera in different angles to produce the different camera angles and its purposes.

How did the process help me ?


I learned how to handle different types of equipment needed to film. I learned how to use a tripod stand from positioning it to handling the different options. I also learned how to handle a camera steadily and how to place on the tripod stand ; This help me learn how to use the camera as well as the tripod stand together.

Camera shots

We got a chance to demonstrate to our selves how all the camera shots work. Me and my group members while looking at our notes carried out all types of camera shots that we studied. These shots helped us understand how different camera angles work and what does each camera shot mean.


By carrying out the perm task it helped me understand distances and how far it is the camera should be placed from the subject. I understood that distances depend on camera angles as well. For eg if it is a long shot which means the entire background as well as the subject needs to be seen ; the camera should be placed back.


When filming the perm task i understood the importance of sound and how it can change the meaning of a scene. As we were filming in school we could hear the noise coming from different classrooms ; this turned the meaning of the scene into something different. I learned the importance of sound and how it helps to define a scene.


I edited the perm task in final cut Pro. Me and my team members filmed different clips and decided to put them together using final cut. This task helped view the video frame by frame and understand which part needs to be changed.

Ho will it help me with my thriller task ?

This task helped me a lot and will surely help me in my thriller opening. I now understand the meaning of different camera angles , the use of sound , use of the equipment and the importance of editing.

Below is the Prem Task we carried out

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Pie charts

Pie Charts I decided to design pie charts to show my results as it makes it very evident what my questionnaire results showed. The results showed the different choices people have. The pie charts allowed me to have a look at the responses that i received at put them in a pie chart to see what percentage of 4o people i surveyed like. The pie charts make it very clear and therefore makes it easier for me to analyze them. The results from these questionnaire will assist me in planing my thriller opening. I can take the information from these results and make use of them in my thriller opening. I can use the information on the character types my target audience wants to see in my thriller opening. The expectations of my target audience.

Thursday 18 October 2012



Purpose of a target Audience

The re are various purposes of target Audiences. Any film is made to serve a specific purpose. This helps them to be identified to a specific audience. An audience that is looking for mutual aspects in a film. According to the target Audience it will allow on to decide what will go in to what film. For example kids are looking for a cartoon film that is funny and silly. They are also looking for a lot of color which attracts them ; looking for funny characters. The target Audience will help a filmmaker to decide what types of things to put in its film. Below is an example of a film and its target Audience :

This is a film aimed at kids and this has funny characters it is a comedy and colorful and kids are attracted by these factors.

What types of research did i carry and why ?

I designed questionnaires that i had 4o people fill and give me the response. I did this as it is a very effective way of researching and is used alto. The questionnaires allowed me to see the people's choices and what they look for in a thriller film.
I also interviewed 6 different people. This allowed me to get opinions from different types of people. This means a child , a youngster , an elder , and a preteen. This let me hear the different views of people and their opinions.

How many people i surveyed and why ?

 I surveyed 4o people. The reason i choose 40 people as it is an even number. It is not too much and not too less. This give me an idea as to what people are looking for.

·      Were the vox pops successful and how will you with planning your thriller film?

The Vox pops were successful. As i interviewed 76 different types of people ; with different interests. These people had different opinions. It gave me a vast knowledge about what it is people look for in thriller film. The Vox pop will help me when i make my own thriller film ; As by doing the Vox pop i learned that people from different age groups like. This will also help me in when i decide the age certificate for my film.

Following are 3 types of questions from my questionnaire and the results that i found

What do you expect to see in a thriller film ?

The reason i asked this question is that i wanted to find out what is it that the people look forward to see in a thriller film. Wether its is specific types of character type , a location or props. My results show that more people like to see the basic a villain and victim concept. This concept is very common in a thriller film. 30% of people like to see hidden identities. These hidden identities create suspense and makes the audience want to watch  more of the film as usually the identity is revealed at the end. People also like the iconography mainly things like knives and guns. This is another common factor of thriller films.

What characters do you expect to see in a thriller film ?

I asked thus question as i wanted to find out what type of characters people are look forward to see in a thriller film.Is there special type of qualities they look for in people or is it there a specific choice of gender. I asked people if they wanted to see male victim , female victim , villain or a child. Almost half of the people said a male villain. This shows that the audience think that the role of a villain always suit a male. More than a quarter of people said that they would like to see a female victim. This maybe because usually in a thriller film there is  always a female victim as females are precieve to be weak and vulnerable. 

What other genre do you expect in a thriller film ?

I asked the people what other genre do they like to watch. The reason i asked this particular question is because i wanted to find out what else do the people like to watch in a thriller film. Do they like bloodshed , violence or action.Almost half of the people said they like to watch Action in the film as it excites an audience.quarter of the people would like to watch comedy as well.This maybe that they want to engage with the film.

How will this help me in my thriller film ?
This will help me in my thriller film as i will take in account all the feedback i have received and follow the opinions of the people and make something an audience is looking for.


In conclusion i would like to say that researching by using  a questionnaire is helpful as its going to help me with my thriller opening. By researching i got to find out what is that people look for in thrillers. People have expectations from any type of film. I found as to what people expect to see in thriller films. People want to see the idea of a villain and a victim. My thriller has a villain and a victim. There are specific characters types that people expect to see in thriller films. They expect to see villains arrogant and villains to be weak. I have used the feedback from the questionnaire in my thriller opening film. My target audience which is young adults aged 15 and above expect to see gory images , violence and they like watching physicological thrillers.
When planing my thriller i will keep in account of the feedback that i received from my respondents.


I decided to do research by using questionnaires. These questionnaires allowed me to find out what is it actually that people are looking to find in a thriller film. The questions allowed me to find out what the audiences want me to do in my thriller film. I surveyed various type of people.
The questionnaires helped me find out what the audience is seeking for in a thriller film. I found out that they are looking for suspense , tension and drendalin. I found out the character types that people are seeking in a thriller film. I asked the people if they prefer female victims or male victims , male protagonist or female protagonist and villains. These will help me decide what character type my thriller film will have.

The questionnaires helped me find out the opinions of people. These opinions would help me in my thriller film as i would be able to make my thriller according to what people are looking for.

I asked people their age and gender as this helps us find out what type of people like to watch thriller films. This would also allow to me to find what target Audience my thriller film would be.

Below is a sample of my questionnaire : 

1) What gender are you?
      Male…..                Female….

2) How old are you?
11-12 …..      13-14….        15-16….     17-18….

3) Which age certificate do you prefer to watch in thrillers?
12 ….                   15….                     18….

4) What caused you to become interested in thriller films?
Adverts……        Film trailers……        Friends recommended them…… Other……

5) What would you expect to see in a thriller film?
Murder……      Villain and victim……    Hidden identities……..   Detective……... Weapons……..     Other……… 

6) Would you like to see a sequel to a thriller film? Why?

7) What type of sound would you expect to hear in a thriller film?
Sound effects…….     Tension building sound…….    Soundtrack/background music…….     No sound/natural sounds……...

8) What characters would you expect to see in a thriller film?
Male villain………….. Female villain……….. Male victim……….. Female victim……. Child………

9) What kind of actors would you expect to see in a thriller film?

10) Where would you expect a thriller film to be set?
Outdoors…….. Abandoned House……… Graveyard……… Forest……….. Other………..

11) What other genres would you expect in a thriller film?
Action……. Gangster…….. Comedy……  Adventure…… Other……..

12) What would you like the purpose of the film to be?
Inform….. Entertain…. Educate…… Instruct…… Other…….

Friday 12 October 2012

Narrative theory

Narrative Theory

I looked at three different narrative theories. The three different types of theory include Propp,Todorov and  Aristotle's. All the theories are very different to each other. A narrative is known as ''The chain of events''. The narrative theories helps a filmmaker structure their narrative. The human mind needs narrative to make sense of things. In every film we will look for a beginning , a middle and an ending.

Valdmir Prop

Propp was a Russian critic in the 1920's. He believed that the Narrative is not that important what important is the characters in the film. Propp suggested that the characters took the role of functions.He came up with seven different types of characters. These characters are listed as follows:

  1. Hero: is usually male he is responsible to restore the equilibrium. The hero is someone who puts himself in risk to help someone else
  2. Villain: Usually who causes disruption in the film.
  3. Dispatcher: The dispatcher send the hero for the task to restore the equilibrium.
  4. False hero: He pretends to be good but often ends being bad at the end of the film.
  5. Helper: Helps the hero on his task to restore equilibrium. Usually hero's friends.
  6. Princess: The female character who is usually threatened by the villain. She then is saved by the hero. Usually the end the father who often is the king gives his daughters hand to the hero.


He simplified the idea of narrative theory whilst also allowing a more complex interpretation of film texts with his theory Equilibrium and Disequilibrium. In Todorov theory the narrative is not seen as a linear structure but a circular one. It is about restoring equilibrium. Usually the equilibrium at the beginning is usually different to the end equilibrium. Todorov believes that the characters and situations are transformed through the progression of the film. This is how Todorov believes a film narrative goes like : 

  1. Equilibrium : Happy beginning. Everything is fine.
  2. Disequilibrium : Something goes wrong with the narrative. 
  3. Equilibrium: Things get fixed and go back to being happy.


He believes that it is not about the Narrative and it is not about the characters ; it is all about the themes of the film. The themes are as follows:

  • Initing incident
  • Dramatic Question
  • Character's goals
  • Antagonist / Protagonist
  • Stakes
  • Resolution
  • Sympathy / Empathy

The theory that i will be using for my thriller film

I have decided to use a bit of Aristotle as-well as Propp. I have decided to use bit of both because in Propp's theory he gives important to the characters. In my narrative the representation of characters is very important. The two characters in my narrative gives a lot to the audience. Both of the characters in my narrative are stereotypical. This is why it is very important for them to have the right representation. The representation helps to get the point across of the type of personality of a character.There are only two characters in my opening and it is important to have the right representation. Propp also thinks that in any film there should be certain types of  characters that should be present in a film. Similarly i have two characters a villian and a victim in my film opening aswell.
 I will be taking in account Aristotle's theory as-well as his theory says that the themes and how events take place is very important. Just like that the events that take place in my narrative are very important. The set of events are important as it builds up suspense and shock. The various types of events are important for the reactions of the characters in the films. The events also gives a film a continuous feeling. Another reason as to why i decided to pick this theory is because in my opening there are various events that take place and each one of them are important.
 Prop thinks that the importance of the representation of characters is a very important part of  any film. In my thriller the characters are quite clear there is a villain and victim. It is important for me to convey the personalities of my characters. The victim needs to be portrayed as week and helpless unable to defend herself whereas the villain needs to be confident , arrogant and intimidating. I have identified my characters according to Propps theory. The characters are clearly identified and the personality traits are explained and portrayed.
Aristotle believes that the theme and how the events take place in any type of film is an important aspect of  a thriller film. Aristotle's theory best suits my thriller opening as i have various events that take place. The enigma at the beginning with the young blonde girl tied up and the flashback solving the enigma at the beginning.

Thursday 11 October 2012

Group Narrative

My Narrative 

Idea for a Narrative

The film with begin with a person with a young man who's identity would be hidden. A young man would walk in a room wearing a hood the hood would create a shadow on his face. This will make it unable for the audience to see the young man's face. The young man would walk into a big room dragging a bag inside the room. As he walks into the room. I will use a pan shot. Where i will pan the entire room. The room would have red spotlights.I will use low key lighting. the room will give a very scary feeling as i would be using red spotlights to give the room a feeling of fear. The colour red would represent blood. In the room there would be kids boys and girls sitting quietly in the corner weeping silently.


The room would have toys that have a very scary look. A big clown  in one corner of the room. In another corner there would be a missed up barbie doll. The eyes of the barbie are taken out and the hair is messed up. On the shelves the audience will see musical toys. An alarm clock that strikes 12 and a broken bird comes out. It keeps out 12 times to create affect. The young man comes inside with a bag he opens the bag up and there is a  little girl that comes out, The little girl is wearing a dress and has two pigtails. She is clutching onto a necklace. Her head is down. The young man pushes the little girl and gives one of the security guys a hand gesture. The security guy then takes the little girl  and ties her up with the others. The young man then shuts the do behind or him and the opening ends there. As soon as the door closes , the shot is changed to 3 hours earlier which will show hoe the little girl ended up there.


The young man : The young man's identity would be hidden. He isn't given a name in my opening film. The young man will be dressed in all black and will also be wearing a hood we wouldn't be able to see his face. The hood will create a shadow on the young man's face which will create a scary look.

The little girl : The little girl would be showed weak and vulnerable. Able to stand up for herself. The little girl needs to be shown small compared to the young man. The girl will be wearing a white dress which will show that she is innocent and pure. She would be clutching to a necklace which would show her fearful state. She would have tears running down her face but she wouldn't make a sound and would try not to make any sound.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Ads: it obvious to a the audience that its a thriller film as the conventions are apparent. 

Dis-ads: It will be hard to find a location and the needed props for the film opening.

Group Narrative 
Rebecca Caley

My film would be the beginning sequence of the thriller film. 
It would start in a dark, dirty room, with nothing in it but a chair, which a young female would be tied to. The windows would be boarded up and there would be one dim lamp near her, so the audience could see the character, but not too clearly. The floorboards would be dark, stained wood.  It would be instantly apparent to the audience that the character is in danger as she would be crying and her mouth would be tied up. She'd also have a trickle of blood running down her cheek from her forehead. 

A man would then walk in, but his identity would be kept hidden and he's be carrying a knife. She would keep quiet and look away from him as she doesn't want to know what he's about to do.  I picked an empty, seemingly abandoned room because it is conventional to a thriller film, because it created an enigma, suspense and tension and these are all things that would be good to include in my own thriller. 

The rest of the feature film would include this character's life in this house, she'd never be allowed to leave. The man would be convinced that she is his wife, and she would be forced to act as such and would be locked in the empty room and punished when she disobeyed him. She'd also be put locked in the room when he leaves the house, to prevent her from escaping. The film would end with a fight between the male and female, and the audience would knot know whether he killed her or not. 

Advantages and Disadvantages

Ads: The idea is very simple. It will also be easier to obtain iconography. iT is very Conventional to a thriller film.

Dis-ads: Hard to find an abandoned location.

Drew Wyllie

Film openings are vitally important as it sets the scene for the whole of the film.  My narrative would begin in a dark forest in the early evening a woman would be seen running towards the camera frantically, her clothes would be ripped and she would look dirty and tear stains and blood would be visible on her face. 2 gun shots would be heard in the background of the forest and the woman's reaction would be to run faster and shriek loudly. She would then start to slow down so she was creeping around a tree trying not to be seen or heard, (this would fit the conventions of a thriller as it would create suspense and foreboding) she would look lost and helpless then suddenly as she steps out from behind the tree a mans gloved hand closes over he mouth she screams and struggles and the man whispers words to her suddenly she passes out and is dragged through the forest.

The rest of the film feature would include the story on the mans physiological ways and the woman's story on how she ended up a prisoner. There would be a dark cabin featured in the film that would have low key lighting to hide his identity and make the scenes seem more dark grimy and mysterious. I would use high key lighting for flash backs and memories that would play-out through-out the film as the audience is informed of the story. The enigma of the film would me the mystery of the woman's stalker keeping her captive and if/how will she get out.

Advantages and Disadvantages

Ads: Location is easy to find. No complications in using the forest. It has obvious conventions of a thriller film.

Dis-ads:  it would be hard to put across the plot of the film to the audience.

Final Group Narrative

We have decided to use part of all the narratives to create one. The Protagonist would be a young girl. The film would start in an abandoned dark room. From where she would try to escape. We then gets flashbacks of her running in a forest where she is alone for a while. Which makes the audience feel that maybe she survived but the out of nowhere a man catches her. This is how the enigma would be solved. She gets caught and ends back in the room. In the room we can see her weeping. She is wearing ripped clothes with blood stains on them. Her hair is messed up her physical appearance will make the audience feel for the female character. This will make the audience continue watching to find if she survives. A man walks in with a knife who's identity is hidden. He will be wearing a hood. His identity would be hidden which makes the audience wonder about who he is. The scene will end when the man pulls a knife out. We have decided to use a forest for our thriller film as forests is conventional to thriller film. The forest has a fearful feeling. This is a conventional location as well as the abandoned room is another convention of  a thriller. An abandoned room has a fearful atmosphere. A room that hasn't been used by anyone due to some reasons.
The characters in my thriller film are very conventional as well. My thriller film has two common characters used in a thriller film. These characters include ' the victim ' and 'the villain'. The victim in my thriller film is a young blonde girl who is weak and vulnerable. This is conventional as women are portrayed as being weak and usually are the victim in films. At the same time the villain identity is hidden. Hidden identities are another conventions of thriller films. The villain character  in the opening sequence is hidden and the character is suspenseful as it comes out of nowhere and catches the young blonde girl.
The characters in my thriller opening will allow my audience to build a relationship between the characters. the young blonde girl is hopeless in a situation that is intense. The  audience would be able to relate to the character and feel what the character might be feeling. The audience will sympathies will the character. The audience will fear for the character as to what might happen to the character. 

individual narrative

Idea for a Narrative

The film with begin with a young man who  would walk in a room wearing a hood the hood would create a shadow on his face. This will make it unable for the audience to see the young man's face. The young man would walk into a big room dragging a bag inside the room. As he walks into the room the camera would pan the room.The room would have red spotlights.I will use low key lighting. the room will give a very scary feeling as i would be using red spotlights to give the room a feeling of fear. The colour red would represent blood. In the room there would be kids of different ages with a fear on their face. They would all be sat quiet. The young man comes inside with a bag he opens the bag up and there is another   little girl that comes out. The little girl is wearing a dress and has two pigtails. She is clutching onto a necklace. Her head is down. The young man pushes the little girl and gives one of the security guys a hand gesture. The security guy then takes the little girl  and ties her up with the others. The young man then shuts the door behind  him and the opening ends there. As soon as the door closes , the shot is changed to 3 hours earlier which will show how the little girl ended up there.


 The room would have toys that have a very scary look. Toys like dolls that are scary looking. A big clown  in one corner of the room. In another corner there would be a  barbie doll. The eyes of the barbie are taken out and the hair is messed up. On the shelves the audience will see musical toys. An alarm clock that strikes 12 and a broken bird comes out. It keeps out 12 times to create affect. Low key lighting will be used in the room. This will create a scary look in the room and will add effect. The room will contain all types of toys but with creepy look. The walls will be plain black ; the red spotlights would shine on the children faces to create fright. The color red connotes blood. The room will also have musical toys that will constantly play. These toys will make sweet sounds that would be constant. These sounds don't go with the atmosphere of the scene.


The young man : The young man's identity would be hidden. He isn't given a name in my opening film. The young man will be dressed in all black and will also be wearing a hood we wouldn't be able to see his face. The hood will create a shadow on the young man's face which will create a scary look. Hidden identities are conventional as they create dramatic effect.

The little girl : The little girl would be showed weak and vulnerable. Unable to stand up for herself. The little girl needs to be susceptible small compared to the young man. The girl will be wearing a white dress which will show that she is innocent and pure. She would be clutching to a necklace which would show her fearful state. She would have tears running down her face but she wouldn't make a sound.

Inspirations from other thriller films

Lightening : In the film Prom Night which is a film about a man who is obsessed with a young girl. He does everything to get her. He kills everyone that  comes in his way. The girls friends , boyfriends. I am inspired by the use of lighting in this film. In the film there is an emergency when all the people present in the scene has to move out of the hotel. To give effect low key lighting was used. The light kept flashing the flashing light made the mood very fearful and made the audience want to continue watching and find what the emergency was about.

Editing : In the film the strangers which is a film about anonymous people stalking a couple that are living in this cottage. The editing used in the strangers inspire me as in really created affect on the audience. Slow editing was used when the protagonist hears a knock on the door she walks slowly towards the door. This suggests that the girl is weak and scared because she doesn't  know what is behind the door, She is fearful , her walking slowly towards the door sets mood. This makes the audience carry on watching and find what happens next. This also makes the audience sympathize for the female character.

Camera Shots : In the film seven starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt , the use of camera shots is brilliant. This film is about a psychopath. The Camera shots are used very well and these camera shots
creates effect.

The film prom night use of lightening has inspired me for my thriller film. The lightening used in the film is very conventional to the thriller genre. It creates affect in the moment of the scene. I will use the type of lightening used in this film for my thriller film.  The lightening used in prom night is low-key lighting. They have also used flashing that adds to the effect. The flashing lights creates suspense and panic in the scene. Low-key lightening is a conventional type of lighting that creates dramatic effect. This is another reason type of

The editing style used in the film strangers is very effective. It uses slow editing which is one of the common convention of  a thriller film. The slow editing creates tension and suspense as to what might the character find behind the door. slow editing used in this film is very conventional. It creates different elements of a thriller film. The audience is in suspense , eager as to what might happen next. The scene that this type of editing is used in is when the protagonist is walking to wards a door that has been knocked on. She doesn't know who it is and is very scared to open it. This also allows the audience to sympathies with the character. This involves the audience in the scene and they want to continue watching to find out what happens next.

 The camera shots used in se7en is very conventional and is inspiring. Each camera shot created affect to the particular content of the scene. The film used various types of camera angles for one scene. The camera angles allows the audience to understand what exactly is going on in the scene. The camera shots shape meaning of different shots. The camera shots in this film helped me understand meaning behind each shot. This will allow me to choose the right shots in my thriller film.

Friday 5 October 2012

Film age certificate

Why is BBFC important ?

BBFC is  very important in the film industry. BBFC is a non-governmental organization that is funded by the film industry. It is responsible to classify films into their respected categories in the United Kingdom. BBFC is necessary for a film because it classifies what film is suitable for what age group. For example children shouldn't watch anything that has inappropriate content like violence , sex or gambling. This is why these certificates are used to let the viewers know what content is appropriate for what  age.

 Universal :   This type of certification means it is admitted to watch by everyone. There is no content that is inappropriate for kids. An example of a U rated film is a 2011 film Hugo. Which is an Academy award film. The plot of this films is appropriate for everyone. It is set in 1930's Paris where an orphan discovers mystery involving his late father. This type of film has been given unclassified certificate as there is no inappropriate themes in this film. Films that have been given the certificate of unclassified are usually family films.

Parental Guidance : This type of certification means that this film can be watched by kids but parents supervision is important. It is emitted to all ages but some specific scenes can be unsuitable for children. These scene can include mild language , sexual references and moderate violence. A very famous film night at the museum 2006 is a kids film but it has a theme of love between the protagonist and a female character. There is a mild ''kiss scene''. This film has given PG as the mild love scenes can be a mature theme for some kids. It is important that an adult over the age of 18 to accompany the child. Even though its a mild scene but some kids are not mature enough to view such things and that is the reason that they should be accompanied by and adult. The plot isn't revolved around the love between the two characters. The plot involves a father who works at a museum ' in his presence everything comes to life. It seems like a family film.

Kids only 12 or over the age of 12 is allowed to buy or rent film with a 12 rating.12 films contain mature themes like sex nuendos , drugs , mild nudity. A great example for a 12 rated film is never been kissed starring drew Barrymore. This film has a more mature theme. This film only has mild scenes. The narrative of this film is a bout a girl who goes back to her old high school as part of her undercover article research. This girl wasn't the most popular girls in the school during her lifetime and that is the reason that no guy wanted to date her or kiss her. She has never been kissed. This narrative is a mature narrative to the film and thus this film has given the certificate of 12 as it can be inappropriate for kids under that age. It is a story about a girl who finds love on her second attempt at high school. This narrative can be inappropriate for people under the age of 12 as some kids are not mature enough at that age.

This type of certification was introduced in 2002. When BBFC thought some ''12'' rated films are too mature. When spiderman 1 was released the BBFC thought one particular scene from the film is too violent for kids aged 12 and that is when 12 A was introduced. This means that an adult has to accompany the child. In a 12 A film there is themes like discrimination , soft drugs , moderate swear words , strong language , sex references and nudity. Sexual activity is discreetly portrayed. The particular fight scene in the film spiderman is violent and can drive kids to do stuff. There is another scene in this film which is a liplock between the main characters of the film. This scene is quiet intense and can be appropriate for some children, This is why in a 12 A film an adult needs to accompany the child aged 12 when viewing this film.

People over 15 are allowed to view this film. No-one under the age of 15  is allowed to rent or buy a film under 15. This type  contains adult themes , hard drugs , violence , sex and nudity with graphic content and detail. A latest example of a 15 rated film is ''The Dictator'' starring Sacha Baron Cohen. This film has very strong sexual references as-well as graphic content at number of points in the film. The characters in the film are very open. The protagonist 'the dictator''. He is involved in some acts of sex and drugs. The content is quite visual and there is use of nudity as well. The themes are mature as well as the sex scenes are quite visual.

Only adults are allowed to view this film. Anyone under the age of 18 is strongly permitted to watch an 18 film. There is no restrain from any type of theme. Hardcore violence , explicit sex scenes with a very graphic content. Gruesome scenes are allowed. Strong sexual violence is permitted until unless it is an erotic theme. 2011 film friends with Benefits starring Justin Timberlake   and Mila Kunis has a theme of sex. There are various sexual scenes with a very strong graphic content. Has moderate sexual violence. The theme of this film is very strong and the scenes are backed up with the context of the film. The film involves two friends that are very close friends but start using each other for pleasure. They are not in any type of relationship ; they use each-other for their bodies.

What age certificate will my thriller film be ?

Me and my group members have decided to give my thriller opening the age certificate of 15 . I have decided to give my certificate 15 age rating because 15 allows a film maker to have mature themes but still not too graphic images. This rating will allow me to use gruesome images but not making them too strong.

Thursday 4 October 2012

what is thriller film ?

What is a Thriller Film

Codes and Conventions are tools that are used to make a film. It is known as the ingredients of a movie. Some of the common codes and conventions of a thriller film include enigma , action violence , iconography , dark settings , loud and scary music , a victim , low key lighting etc.  Codes and conventions of every film help audience to  differ between different genre's of a film. Every film genre has its own codes and Conventions. There are various types of codes and conventions of a thriller film that are listed below :

  1. flashbacks
  2. representation of characters (weak , fragile , vulnerable )
  3. Dramatic irony ( the audience knows that the victim is going to be attacked )
  4. low key lighting this creates shadows.
  5. portrayal of good and evil
  6. Shock , Surprise , Suspense
  7. Torture
  8. vivid images
  9. weapons
  10. intensity
  11. gruesome
  12. creepy music
  13. strong characters
  14. explosions
  15. use of black and white
  16. Disorientation of time and space
  17. Characters playing with each others mind

Saw 1 - Analysis

How does the opening sequence of Saw 1 help to define the thriller genre ?

As audience we can tell as soon as the clip starts that it is a thriller film because the clip begins with loud music; this creates affect. The mies-en-scene of the clip seem's like an abandoned bathroom. We can see it is very filthy as it probably hasn't been used. The audience assumes that it is probably a torching chamber as we see two people tied. There is an enigma in the opening scene. We can see a a dead body right in the middle. The audience doesn't  know how the body ended there and why it is dead. This a mystery to the audience. This is a very effective convention of a thriller film. An enigma makes the audience want to continue watching to find out how the dead body ended up in that state. We can also see  blood; this is big convention of a thriller film.

The Target Audience

 After watching the opening scene. I personally think that the target audience of saw 1 are people over the age of 18. The age certificate for this film should be R , which is restricted only people over the age of 18 should be allowed to watch that. The reason for that is because there is alot of use blood which is very graphic. This type of images would be too mature for kids.

Audience Expectations

There is an enigma at the beginning at the clip when the audience see  two people tied up and a dead body with allot of blood in the middle of the area. After watching the opening scene the audience expects from the film to solve the enigma at the beginning. It also excepts the three S's Shock , Surprise and Suspense. These are some of the expectations that the audience has.


The narrative of this film seems to be a Psychopath that tricks people and puts them into different situations. These situations are un - predictable. These two guys don't know where they are they have a choice they either die or kill the other person.

Representation of Characters

The characters shown at the beginning of the scene seem very wear and vulnerable. they are in a hard situation where they feel hopeless and helpless and they don't know what to do. they are trapped in a situation that they don't know how to get out. They don't even know how they ended up there. these characters shown paranoia because they are trapped and they cant get themselves out.


By watching the opening scene the themes of the films seem to be violence , bloodshed , enigma's , action , darkness. These are common conventions of a thriller film.

The ring Analysis

How does the opening sequence of Ring 1 help to define the thriller genre ?

The opening is of the film ''The Ring 1 '' . The affect of the clip is calmed down at the beginning but slowly the tension builds up. When a joke turns out to be the reality. Low key lighting is used in the scene This is a  common factor of a thriller film. In the scene there are two female characters; that are shown strong but their weak side is very apparent. We can see the other female character trying to scare the other and we can see the tension on her face.  There is a use of dark settings and scary themes. The female character is scared by the ringing of the phone. The female victim is weak and vulnerable.

The Target Audience

After watching the sequence , i personally think that the age certificate for this film should be a 12a. As some of the dialogues in the opening scene seems to be inappropriate for kids under 12. 12 A is for  kids that are mature for their age. This target audience is best for this film.

Audience Expectations

By watching this scene the audience expect for something to happen in each shot ; but nothing happens. The audience expect something scary to happen with the female character. 


The narrative is explained by the character in this film. It is about a certain DVD that when watched by people can kill hem in certain many days. The DVD is a collection different places and things that is a mystery to the audience. The audience will find what each clip means.

Representation of Characters

Both of the female characters seem very scary with the way are dressed. The girls are dressed as type of goths that makes them seem scary. One of the characters is scared and seems scared and vulnerable. They are dressed up in skirts and tops this is typical of teenagers.


By watching the opening scene the themes of this film seems to be a physiological thriller , bloodshed , murders. All of the major conventions of a thriller film.