Mies-en-Scene- Prom night
Mies-en-scene is a french word meaning the arrangement of scenery and properties to represent a movie.Mies-en-scene literally means ''Put in the scene''. There are five different elements of mies-en-scene.Settings and iconography , costume , hair and makeup , Facial expressions and body language , lighting and color and Positioning of characters / objects within a frame. Mies-en-scene gives an audience the meaning of every shot in a film. The lighting creates effect , The position of characters shows importance , the iconography gives impact , the costume and makeup gives us an idea to the personality of someone and the body language tells us what type of personality trait the person has.Setting + iconography
The setting and the iconography shows us the location where the scene is taking place. Some of these
locations are made up while others are real. The location manipulates the audience. The clip seems to be set in a hotel as its Prom. It seems like a real location rather than a made up. Iconography is used in this clip we can see the two detectives with guns try to hunt someone down. The audience knows that it is a hotel where a school prom is taking place. The audience can see a big dance floor and girls and boys are standing waiting for the teachers to announce the Prom King and Queen.
The setting of this scene gives the audience the exact location where the scene is taken place. The setting challenges the audience to guess where the scene has taken place. The audience really get involved in the film to find out what the emergency may be.The audience dosen't know what the emergency is about ; until the emergency is revealed.
This is conventional to a thriller because there is an emergency. The 'emergency' creates panic around the place this creates different emotions. Everyone's alerted , which creates a panic between the characters in this scene.Anxiety is created.when everyone in the scene has a different reaction to the situation. Panic is another common factor of a thriller film. It creates tension between the characters and makes the characters act in different ways.
The iconography used in this scene. are guns used by the two detectives. The two detectives are looking for the Protagonist which they discover is in the bedroom. The audience can see them in a shooting
position walking about slowly in the room. Slow editing is used which is another conventional. The 'slow' creates dramatic effect.
This is conventional to a thriller film because we can see detectives , guns and someone hunting someone else down. These are a few of the features of a thriller film.
Costume + Hair and Makeup

The boys are seen in tuxedos whilst the girls are seen in dresses as it is the prom night. In the clip the audience can see the girls and boys all dressed up. The Protagonist is dressed up casual. We can't see what he is wearing but the audience can see he is wearing a cap.All the girls have got flowers on their wrist. The detectives are suited booted asŵell. At the beginning of the clip we can see the girls and boys standing and waiting for the teacher to announce the Prom King and Queen when they are interrupted by the the detectives.
The costume , hair and makeup tells the audience a lot about the characters in the clip.We can tell that all the characters are happy and excited because they are all dressed up for the special occasion.The audience can see that they are very happy together celebrating the end of year. Everyone is lined up on the stage waiting for the teachers to announce the Prom king and queen. The characters attitude and physical appearance shows that the atmosphere is full of happiness.We can tell that the guy in the film is a detective because they are dressed formal aswell as the iconography in their hands are common of a detective.
This shot is conventional to a thriller film because the environment is happy when suddenly everything goes wrong. In a thriller film good situations are always followed by bad situations. The audience knows that something bad has happened as soon as they are about to announce the Prom king and queen the emergency alarm goes off
People in the clip were happy for the prom and all dressed up celebrating.We can tell that by the way the detectives were dressed up and their attitudes that they are detectives.
This is conventional to a thriller because there is
an emergency. Everyone's alerted , which creates a panic between the characters
in this scene. The anxiety is created. Everyone in the scene has a different
reaction to it. Panic is another common aspect of a thriller film. It creates
tension between the characters and makes the characters act in different ways.
The iconography used in this scene. are guns used
by the two detectives. The two detectives are looking for the Protagonist which
they discover is in the bedroom. We can see them in a shooting
position walking about slowly in the room.
This is conventional to a thriller film because we
can see detectives , guns and someone hunting someone else down. These are a
few of the features of a thriller film.
Facial expressions + Body Language

The expressions change when they are about to
announce the prom king and queen and the alarm goes off and the detectives
enter telling everyone that they have to leave. Mixed reactions are given but all
of the reactions are negative. People are shocked , angry and worried. People
were about their mates. People were shocked thinking how is that possible and
people were angry as they were annoyed that they had to miss their prom.
The body language tells the audience a lot about
the how the characters feelings. The body language communicates with the
audience.In the clip we can see a girl who is nominated for prom
queen , stomping off the stage with an angry look on her face.
The audience get to see the point of view of
everyone in the film. The audience see some people really angry/ Some have a
disappointing look on their face. The audience sympathies in a different way
with each of these characters in the film.
This shot is conventional to a thriller film
because anger , shocked , worried and sympathy are all features of a thriller
film. The features tells the audience the feelings of different people towards
the situation.
Position of Characters
At the beginning of the clip everyone's standing in an equal length. Which shows that everyone at that moment are equally as important. No one is emphasized on. As the detectives walk in the environment changes. When everyone starts walking out then there are some mid-shots. We see two boys that can find their girlfriends. Dona who is the main character is shown worried. She is trying to find her friend that has been missing.
The position of characters show us the importance
of characters. Like in the above shot we can see two boys in front while there
are other people at the background whose face we cant clearly see. This means
they are not important characters. This indicates the audience to feel for the
two characters in front but not the others.The audiences attention
automatically goes to the characters positioned in front. It makes the audience
concentrate on the characters positioned in front expressions , feelings , body
language and costume. The audience automatically thinks of the things mentioned
This shot is conventional because it is a panicked moment where everyone's having a different type of reaction to a negative situation where lives are in danger. These are common conventions of a thriller film as it is a negative moment nobody is really shown happy.
Lighting + Color
Lights flash as soon as the clip starts.
Light flashes everyone that supports the idea of emergency to alert
everyone.The audience watches dona going in the bedroom. The audience has an
idea that something is going to happen to dona. We see the protagonist walking
in the bedroom. Dona doesn't have a clue about it. She is about to leave when
she see's him he slowly walks in and closes the door after him. This is where
we see Light flashed on the Protagonist face twice. We see bright light on his
face for a second and then his face goes black again.
Lightning gives the audience a feel or mood for a
scene.Light creates different meanings in a film. The bright light flashed on
the Protagonist face makes the Protagonist look very frightening. He looks
expression less. He has a serious look on his face.They have used this to
give the audience a effect of horror. The protagonist is wearing a cap
and when the light is flashed we can see a shadow on the protagonists face made
by the flashing light.
This conventional to a thriller film because the
identity is hidden. As the audience don't see the entire face clearly as well as the
light flashes very quickly for effect so the audience doesn't get to see his
face properly. These are some of the conventions for a thriller film.
After doing the analysis of
how mies-en-scene is used in the film Prom night i understand what the
different elements of mies-en-scene is used and what effect it has on the
audience. How to use these elements in a way to leave an impact on the
audience. I can take the things i have learned and use them in my
thriller opening
Your analysis of Prom Night shows a good understanding of what mise-en-scene is and how it is used within a thriller film. You have analysed the main areas well and you have also related your points to excellent examples too.
ReplyDeleteTo make your analysis more detailed you need to work on your sentence structures and aim to write in full sentences. Also you need to use the words "the audience" instead of "we". Finally aim to consider the role of the audience and the emotions that they would feel
This post now demonstrates a good understanding of how mise-en-scene is used. You have considered the areas well and also the role of the audience too