Thursday 18 October 2012



Purpose of a target Audience

The re are various purposes of target Audiences. Any film is made to serve a specific purpose. This helps them to be identified to a specific audience. An audience that is looking for mutual aspects in a film. According to the target Audience it will allow on to decide what will go in to what film. For example kids are looking for a cartoon film that is funny and silly. They are also looking for a lot of color which attracts them ; looking for funny characters. The target Audience will help a filmmaker to decide what types of things to put in its film. Below is an example of a film and its target Audience :

This is a film aimed at kids and this has funny characters it is a comedy and colorful and kids are attracted by these factors.

What types of research did i carry and why ?

I designed questionnaires that i had 4o people fill and give me the response. I did this as it is a very effective way of researching and is used alto. The questionnaires allowed me to see the people's choices and what they look for in a thriller film.
I also interviewed 6 different people. This allowed me to get opinions from different types of people. This means a child , a youngster , an elder , and a preteen. This let me hear the different views of people and their opinions.

How many people i surveyed and why ?

 I surveyed 4o people. The reason i choose 40 people as it is an even number. It is not too much and not too less. This give me an idea as to what people are looking for.

·      Were the vox pops successful and how will you with planning your thriller film?

The Vox pops were successful. As i interviewed 76 different types of people ; with different interests. These people had different opinions. It gave me a vast knowledge about what it is people look for in thriller film. The Vox pop will help me when i make my own thriller film ; As by doing the Vox pop i learned that people from different age groups like. This will also help me in when i decide the age certificate for my film.

Following are 3 types of questions from my questionnaire and the results that i found

What do you expect to see in a thriller film ?

The reason i asked this question is that i wanted to find out what is it that the people look forward to see in a thriller film. Wether its is specific types of character type , a location or props. My results show that more people like to see the basic a villain and victim concept. This concept is very common in a thriller film. 30% of people like to see hidden identities. These hidden identities create suspense and makes the audience want to watch  more of the film as usually the identity is revealed at the end. People also like the iconography mainly things like knives and guns. This is another common factor of thriller films.

What characters do you expect to see in a thriller film ?

I asked thus question as i wanted to find out what type of characters people are look forward to see in a thriller film.Is there special type of qualities they look for in people or is it there a specific choice of gender. I asked people if they wanted to see male victim , female victim , villain or a child. Almost half of the people said a male villain. This shows that the audience think that the role of a villain always suit a male. More than a quarter of people said that they would like to see a female victim. This maybe because usually in a thriller film there is  always a female victim as females are precieve to be weak and vulnerable. 

What other genre do you expect in a thriller film ?

I asked the people what other genre do they like to watch. The reason i asked this particular question is because i wanted to find out what else do the people like to watch in a thriller film. Do they like bloodshed , violence or action.Almost half of the people said they like to watch Action in the film as it excites an audience.quarter of the people would like to watch comedy as well.This maybe that they want to engage with the film.

How will this help me in my thriller film ?
This will help me in my thriller film as i will take in account all the feedback i have received and follow the opinions of the people and make something an audience is looking for.


In conclusion i would like to say that researching by using  a questionnaire is helpful as its going to help me with my thriller opening. By researching i got to find out what is that people look for in thrillers. People have expectations from any type of film. I found as to what people expect to see in thriller films. People want to see the idea of a villain and a victim. My thriller has a villain and a victim. There are specific characters types that people expect to see in thriller films. They expect to see villains arrogant and villains to be weak. I have used the feedback from the questionnaire in my thriller opening film. My target audience which is young adults aged 15 and above expect to see gory images , violence and they like watching physicological thrillers.
When planing my thriller i will keep in account of the feedback that i received from my respondents.

1 comment:

  1. Your evaluation shows a good understanding of why primary research is essential to carry out and this is because you have considered the research that you have carried.

    To show further understanding of this post you need to explain how your research will assist you with planning your thriller. What ideas will you use from your research? what do your target audience want?
