Thursday 25 October 2012

vox pop

Vox Populi in Latin means ''voice of people''

Vox pop is when people interview different types op people for opinions. Me and my group members decided to carry this task out because we wanted to look at a variety of people's opinions. This task helped with the interviewing process as well as handling the equipment. This was another research method that we carried out. Different types of researching methods allow us to have range of different suggestions. These will go towards the making of my thriller film.

We used a HD camera. Me and my group members went  around school interviewing different people from different categories. I choose the job of videoing the interviews. While drew was interviewing everyone. Becky wrote the questions that we asked the people. Becky also assisted me in the videoing process.We in interviewed year 7 kids. This allowed us to listen to the views of kids and what they look for in thriller films. The categories of people i interviewed included year 7 kids , 6 formers , year 10's and teachers. These people fall in different age categories and thus helps me have a range of suggestions. We interviewed a science male teacher that we thought would have an interest in thriller films. He had a great interest and had a a lot of views. I gathered a lot of information by carrying the task.

How will this help me ?

This task has helped me understand the importance of research and using the useful information that one gets from research. I also learned what different people look forward in thriller films and what does these things denote. It also helped learn the significance of group work. I also learned how to handle a camera and the camera equipment.This task allows me and my group members to decide on our target audience. Target audience is another important part of production. The target audience allows me to choose what type of scenes are appropriate for what age i am aiming  my film at. The vox pop allowed me to get a range of feedback from all types of age and maturity. The year 7 kids look for more of basic stuff like suspense and shook as compared to the teacher i interviewed who looks for more than that. Me and my group members plan to use this feedback in every step in our production.

Below is the completed interviews

1 comment:

  1. You have made a good start in explaining why you carried out vox pops. To show further understanding of this task, you need to explain how this research will assist you with planning your production, by relating your points to the feedback that you received

    Also include your footage too
