Friday 12 October 2012

Narrative theory

Narrative Theory

I looked at three different narrative theories. The three different types of theory include Propp,Todorov and  Aristotle's. All the theories are very different to each other. A narrative is known as ''The chain of events''. The narrative theories helps a filmmaker structure their narrative. The human mind needs narrative to make sense of things. In every film we will look for a beginning , a middle and an ending.

Valdmir Prop

Propp was a Russian critic in the 1920's. He believed that the Narrative is not that important what important is the characters in the film. Propp suggested that the characters took the role of functions.He came up with seven different types of characters. These characters are listed as follows:

  1. Hero: is usually male he is responsible to restore the equilibrium. The hero is someone who puts himself in risk to help someone else
  2. Villain: Usually who causes disruption in the film.
  3. Dispatcher: The dispatcher send the hero for the task to restore the equilibrium.
  4. False hero: He pretends to be good but often ends being bad at the end of the film.
  5. Helper: Helps the hero on his task to restore equilibrium. Usually hero's friends.
  6. Princess: The female character who is usually threatened by the villain. She then is saved by the hero. Usually the end the father who often is the king gives his daughters hand to the hero.


He simplified the idea of narrative theory whilst also allowing a more complex interpretation of film texts with his theory Equilibrium and Disequilibrium. In Todorov theory the narrative is not seen as a linear structure but a circular one. It is about restoring equilibrium. Usually the equilibrium at the beginning is usually different to the end equilibrium. Todorov believes that the characters and situations are transformed through the progression of the film. This is how Todorov believes a film narrative goes like : 

  1. Equilibrium : Happy beginning. Everything is fine.
  2. Disequilibrium : Something goes wrong with the narrative. 
  3. Equilibrium: Things get fixed and go back to being happy.


He believes that it is not about the Narrative and it is not about the characters ; it is all about the themes of the film. The themes are as follows:

  • Initing incident
  • Dramatic Question
  • Character's goals
  • Antagonist / Protagonist
  • Stakes
  • Resolution
  • Sympathy / Empathy

The theory that i will be using for my thriller film

I have decided to use a bit of Aristotle as-well as Propp. I have decided to use bit of both because in Propp's theory he gives important to the characters. In my narrative the representation of characters is very important. The two characters in my narrative gives a lot to the audience. Both of the characters in my narrative are stereotypical. This is why it is very important for them to have the right representation. The representation helps to get the point across of the type of personality of a character.There are only two characters in my opening and it is important to have the right representation. Propp also thinks that in any film there should be certain types of  characters that should be present in a film. Similarly i have two characters a villian and a victim in my film opening aswell.
 I will be taking in account Aristotle's theory as-well as his theory says that the themes and how events take place is very important. Just like that the events that take place in my narrative are very important. The set of events are important as it builds up suspense and shock. The various types of events are important for the reactions of the characters in the films. The events also gives a film a continuous feeling. Another reason as to why i decided to pick this theory is because in my opening there are various events that take place and each one of them are important.
 Prop thinks that the importance of the representation of characters is a very important part of  any film. In my thriller the characters are quite clear there is a villain and victim. It is important for me to convey the personalities of my characters. The victim needs to be portrayed as week and helpless unable to defend herself whereas the villain needs to be confident , arrogant and intimidating. I have identified my characters according to Propps theory. The characters are clearly identified and the personality traits are explained and portrayed.
Aristotle believes that the theme and how the events take place in any type of film is an important aspect of  a thriller film. Aristotle's theory best suits my thriller opening as i have various events that take place. The enigma at the beginning with the young blonde girl tied up and the flashback solving the enigma at the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. You have explained the three theories well. But you need to provide more detailed reasons to explain how your thriller relates to your chosen theory. To do this you need to provide more detailed points from your narrative
