Thursday 11 October 2012

individual narrative

Idea for a Narrative

The film with begin with a young man who  would walk in a room wearing a hood the hood would create a shadow on his face. This will make it unable for the audience to see the young man's face. The young man would walk into a big room dragging a bag inside the room. As he walks into the room the camera would pan the room.The room would have red spotlights.I will use low key lighting. the room will give a very scary feeling as i would be using red spotlights to give the room a feeling of fear. The colour red would represent blood. In the room there would be kids of different ages with a fear on their face. They would all be sat quiet. The young man comes inside with a bag he opens the bag up and there is another   little girl that comes out. The little girl is wearing a dress and has two pigtails. She is clutching onto a necklace. Her head is down. The young man pushes the little girl and gives one of the security guys a hand gesture. The security guy then takes the little girl  and ties her up with the others. The young man then shuts the door behind  him and the opening ends there. As soon as the door closes , the shot is changed to 3 hours earlier which will show how the little girl ended up there.


 The room would have toys that have a very scary look. Toys like dolls that are scary looking. A big clown  in one corner of the room. In another corner there would be a  barbie doll. The eyes of the barbie are taken out and the hair is messed up. On the shelves the audience will see musical toys. An alarm clock that strikes 12 and a broken bird comes out. It keeps out 12 times to create affect. Low key lighting will be used in the room. This will create a scary look in the room and will add effect. The room will contain all types of toys but with creepy look. The walls will be plain black ; the red spotlights would shine on the children faces to create fright. The color red connotes blood. The room will also have musical toys that will constantly play. These toys will make sweet sounds that would be constant. These sounds don't go with the atmosphere of the scene.


The young man : The young man's identity would be hidden. He isn't given a name in my opening film. The young man will be dressed in all black and will also be wearing a hood we wouldn't be able to see his face. The hood will create a shadow on the young man's face which will create a scary look. Hidden identities are conventional as they create dramatic effect.

The little girl : The little girl would be showed weak and vulnerable. Unable to stand up for herself. The little girl needs to be susceptible small compared to the young man. The girl will be wearing a white dress which will show that she is innocent and pure. She would be clutching to a necklace which would show her fearful state. She would have tears running down her face but she wouldn't make a sound.

Inspirations from other thriller films

Lightening : In the film Prom Night which is a film about a man who is obsessed with a young girl. He does everything to get her. He kills everyone that  comes in his way. The girls friends , boyfriends. I am inspired by the use of lighting in this film. In the film there is an emergency when all the people present in the scene has to move out of the hotel. To give effect low key lighting was used. The light kept flashing the flashing light made the mood very fearful and made the audience want to continue watching and find what the emergency was about.

Editing : In the film the strangers which is a film about anonymous people stalking a couple that are living in this cottage. The editing used in the strangers inspire me as in really created affect on the audience. Slow editing was used when the protagonist hears a knock on the door she walks slowly towards the door. This suggests that the girl is weak and scared because she doesn't  know what is behind the door, She is fearful , her walking slowly towards the door sets mood. This makes the audience carry on watching and find what happens next. This also makes the audience sympathize for the female character.

Camera Shots : In the film seven starring Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt , the use of camera shots is brilliant. This film is about a psychopath. The Camera shots are used very well and these camera shots
creates effect.

The film prom night use of lightening has inspired me for my thriller film. The lightening used in the film is very conventional to the thriller genre. It creates affect in the moment of the scene. I will use the type of lightening used in this film for my thriller film.  The lightening used in prom night is low-key lighting. They have also used flashing that adds to the effect. The flashing lights creates suspense and panic in the scene. Low-key lightening is a conventional type of lighting that creates dramatic effect. This is another reason type of

The editing style used in the film strangers is very effective. It uses slow editing which is one of the common convention of  a thriller film. The slow editing creates tension and suspense as to what might the character find behind the door. slow editing used in this film is very conventional. It creates different elements of a thriller film. The audience is in suspense , eager as to what might happen next. The scene that this type of editing is used in is when the protagonist is walking to wards a door that has been knocked on. She doesn't know who it is and is very scared to open it. This also allows the audience to sympathies with the character. This involves the audience in the scene and they want to continue watching to find out what happens next.

 The camera shots used in se7en is very conventional and is inspiring. Each camera shot created affect to the particular content of the scene. The film used various types of camera angles for one scene. The camera angles allows the audience to understand what exactly is going on in the scene. The camera shots shape meaning of different shots. The camera shots in this film helped me understand meaning behind each shot. This will allow me to choose the right shots in my thriller film.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a start in explaining the narrative of your film, but you need to provide more detailed reasons to support the points that you are making. To do this you need to consider the codes and conventions in more detail, especially when you are explaining your narrative.

    Also you need to provide more detailed reasons to explain how your inspiration films will support you in creating your own thriller film
